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why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial?

These mass-media fictions enabled the very real neglect of veterans by the institutions tasked with tending to their needs. North Vietnam Hidden in a hole in the ground, with no means of access for those Vietnam veterans who are condemned to spend the rest of their days in a wheelchair. To make his dream a reality, he planned to get support from people as diverse as former anti-war presidential candidate George McGovern and Gen. William Westmoreland, who commanded U.S. forces in Vietnam. The U.S. suffered over 47,000 killed in action, Kennedy himself was assassinated in Dallas, VC and NVA units launched a massive attack, CBS evening news anchor Walter Cronkite returned to Vietnam,, Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, When 21 Sikh Soldiers Fought the Odds Against 10,000 Pashtun Warriors, Few Red Tails Remain: Tuskegee Airman Dies at 96. The senior staffers were against it. Lin became a design consultant to the architect of record. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Despite the stated wishes of the VVMF, Lins design proved instantaneously divisive. The memorial was built to honor that spirit and the sacrifice of so many who gave everything they had to give. News footage showed the fighting in Saigon and Hue. They serve as testaments to lives lost, as repositories of grief, and to facilitate processes of mourning. An official groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 26, 1982. The chief design criteria were that the memorial be 1) reflective and contemplative in character; 2) be harmonious with its site and environment, 3) make no political statement about the war itself, and 4) contain the names of all who died or remained missing. The National Park Service archives most of the nonperishable items left at The Wall. The solution on how to locate a name evolved into a directory of names with an alphabetical listing andthe panel and line number of each name. . I remember The Washington Post had pages and pages of stories in the A section. Vietnam veterans were, at long last, receiving the recognition they deserved. The first fundraising letter was signed by Bob Hope. The entire text size and layout Lin saw as an open book. The photo of the South Vietnamese police chief, for example, cannot by itself explain he had just seen the dead body of a close friend minutes before; even Eddie Adams, the photojournalist who snapped the photo felt it unfairly maligned Lt. Col. Loan. He had been a war correspondent during World War II and had reported from Vietnam during Americas early involvement. In July 1959 Major Dale Buis and Master Sergeant Chester Ovnand were off duty when they were killed during an attack at Bien Hoa. Scruggs . 3 (August 2004): 122. Initially the (Senators) staff was split, recalled Monica Healy, a long-time Mathias aide, on whether Mathias should take the lead and support the efforts to build the Memorial. American troops had won every major battle they fought, and General Nguyen Van Thieu had come to power in South Vietnam in September; he would remain in office until 1975, bringing a new measure of stability to the government, though he could not end its endemic corruption. Many pushed friends in wheelchairs. Hanoi re-activated the Viet Minh to conduct guerilla operations in the south, with the intent of destabilizing President Diems government. VVMF met the prospective jurors and scrutinized their credentials. By June they had stalled the invasion, with the help of American airpower. Westmoreland adopted a search-and-destroy policy to find and engage the enemy and use superior firepower to destroy him. Mathias had grown increasingly concerned about how veterans had been treated on their return. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was built without government funds. Direct mail was proving to be a highly effective fundraising tool. Though its location on federally owned property and its maintenance by the National Park Service might imply otherwise, the impetus to create the Vietnam Veterans Memorial came entirely from the private sector and from one man in particular: Jan Scruggs, a Vietnam veteran who had been wounded in the line of duty. The Three Soldiers (also known as The Three Servicemen) is a bronze statue by Frederick Hart. The effects of U.S. involvement, the impact of an individual's participation, political decisions and the politics of decision-making are still felt. Spreiregen recommended having a multi-disciplinary panel: two architects, two landscape architects, two sculptors, and one generalist with extensive knowledge about art, architecture, and design. Im the News & Social Editor at HistoryNet and a World War II researcher with an unparalleled affinity for Sir Winston Churchill, Spitfires, and Michigan football. [3] It was the first representation of an African American on the National Mall. In this sense, it was a complex ideological battle. I had my ear to the ground, Mathias recalled. However, the years that saw the memorials proposal, design, and construction1980 to 1982coincided with a momentous shift in the topography of American political culture: the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 and the ensuing negotiation of a new federal agenda. To make matters worse, Diem responded by sending troops to raid pagodas. But the meeting gave Scruggs his first ally: former Air Force intelligence officer and attorney Robert Doubek, who thought a memorial was a good idea. With the seed money from several defense industry donors, especially Grumman Aerospace, VVMF launched its first large-scale direct mail campaign to reach out to the public. When the winning Vietnam Veterans Memorial design was dedicated on November 13, 1982, a storm of controversy followed. Scruggs would never forget the awful scene. They really worked well together and were the driving force. By the end of the first afternoon, one of the jurors, Harry Weese, returned to our impromptu conference lounge and told me, Paul, there are two designs out there that could do it.. Far from being a fait accompli, amassing the public will to support this new agenda took real work. It was becoming apparent that we had been able to be instruments to something far greater than anything we had ever imagined.. The Selective Service System during the Vietnam war was highly controversial, especially because early in the war draftees came disproportionately from poor, working-class, rural, and minority populations. Rip it apart.. Marinesnear Van Truong, from the VC point of view. Sturken, 320. The photo was published worldwide under the title The Ultimate Protest, raising (or in some cases reinforcing) doubts about the government that the democratic United States was supporting. A cadre was drawn from those who went north; they were trained, equipped and sent back to the south to aid in organizing and guiding the insurgency. Both the Army of the Republic of South Vietnam (ARVN) and the VC used torture, to extract information or to cowl opposition. North and South Vietnam were combined into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976. It ended with communist victory in April 1975. In the end, the quarry in India was selected. Over several tense weeks, more debate followed, until the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) and the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) gave their approval for a statue and flag in concept, pending suitable placement of those elements. Ibid. On November 11, 1984, the servicemen statue and a U.S. flag were formally added to the memorial, and the combined monument was placed under the control of the National Park Service. End-to-end, the total number of submissions would have stretched one and one third linear miles. Learn more about featured topics of the Vietnam War and Vietnam Era. Why was the memorial so controversial? Cambodia Confused times need simple forms., According to the description of the design concept: The jury chose a design which will stimulate thought rather than contain it.. Instead, Lin found John Benson, a master stonecutter, to hand cut the text at the apex the years of the earliest and latest casualties from the Department of Defense list and the brief prologue and epilogue adjacent to the dates. As Scruggs analyzed the concept of collective psychological states, he realized that, just as veterans needed psychological healing, so too did the nation. Memorials are built to give context and, possibly, meaning to suffering that is otherwise incomprehensible. Every major engagement between U.S. forces and VC or NVA was an American victory, and the casualty (body count) ratio always showed significantly larger casualties for the communist forces than for the Americans. An electrical storm was interfering with the ships radar and may have given the impression of approaching attack boats. The program, which had been poorly managed, was abandoned after about two years, following the coup that deposed Diem. 3. The ceasefire allowed Nixon to declare peace with honor, but no provisions existed for enforcing the terms of the accords. However, polls consistently showed the majority of Americans supported the war. How did people react to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? And if they themselves didnt know how to help, they knew someone who did. The VC was effectively finished; it would not field more than 25,00040,000 troops at any time for the remainder of the war. Vietnam, however, was divided at the 17th parallel. The three of them had different strengths, Healy explained. Sturken, 322. From the beginning, people have left tributes at its base. Here are four facts about the provocative memorial. It seemed every time they contacted someone, they were greeted with enthusiasm for the idea. One example, cited in Grab Their Belts to Fight Them: The Viet Congs Big-Unit War Against the U.S., 19651966, by Warren Wilkins, is a description of the first major battle between the VC and American ForcesU.S. My background was relatively modest, he said. The names are inscribed in the chronological order of their dates of casualty, showing the war as a series of individual human sacrifices and giving each name a special place in history. In fact, he would spend a lifetime trying to honor their memory. A flower is laid on the names of fallen troops on "The Wall" of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington on Nov. 12, 2018. . In 2009 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund assumed responsibility for the maintenance of the site. I have a Master's degree in military history from King's College, London and my cornucopia of interests include: World War II, World War II, and World War II. She greeted each visitor in a regal fashion, wearing a dressing gown, perfect makeup, and beautiful shoes that curled up at the toes. On February 7, 1965, the U.S. Air Force began bombing selected sites in North Vietnam. (Some in the North Vietnamese government thought the course of war in the south was unwise, but they were overruled.) On that January day, There was a big explosion, Scruggs recalled. They set their sights in support of the clear, simple vision Scruggs outlined:to honor the warrior and not the war. They treated the moms the same as they treated the vets. Sturken notes, "the memorial was seen as a monument to defeat, one that spoke more directly to a nation's guilt than to the honor of the war dead and the veterans." The disagreements over the design revealed anxiety about ownership of the war's representation. Ibid. Bronze. I just kept thinking to myself how quiet it was, and yet there was an immense feeling of community. On March 5, 1975, the NVA invaded again. Initially, however, homefront support for the war effort grew, but by March Americans, perceiving no change in strategy that would bring the war to a conclusion, became increasingly disillusioned. Yet, to say the media cost America victory in Vietnam is vastly oversimplifying a very complex situation. Some of the juror comments included: Before the 1880s, the French controlled Vietnam. To achieve this effect she chose polished black granite for the walls. Success was measured in body count. It was to be a war of attrition and statistics, a policy that suited Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, who distrusted the military and often bypassed the Joint Chiefs of Staff in issuing directives. By the time he returned home, three months after the explosion, the country was even further divided. In a February 27, 1968, broadcast he summed up what he had found during his return trip to the war zone. But, say those opposed, the men represent the women, the men represent all soldiers . Ho Chi Minh had been educated in Paris. It would be a way to honor the veterans and to help themand the countryheal. 1. Not only was Harts statue included at the memorial site, but a flagpole was added as well. They were feeling alienated from the nations leaders, and they had low self-esteem. Cupp attended many of their meetings on Capitol Hill as they drummed up support. Only a few, such as the St. Louis Gateway Arch, part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, had been the result of open competitions. In an interview he was asked if there was light at the end of the tunnel, and he responded that the U.S. and its allies had turned a corner in Vietnam. Using his findings, he testified at the Senate hearing on the Veterans Health Care Amendments Act of 1977, with the hope that he could help veterans gain access to the services and support they needed. I think I even spilled my coffee. But, her presence made a difference. For years, American society as a whole, regardless of political affiliation, had studiously ignored Vietnam veterans, their presence a painful reminder of the wars moral ambiguity. American intelligence knew an attack was coming, though the Army had downplayed a New York Times report of large communist troop movements heading south. Their military experience meant they had contacts far and wide, at all levels of all professions, within government and the private sector. The construction process hits a snag when relentless and powerful critics, led by Tom Carhart, find an unsavory political message in the supposedly apolitical winning design -- ultimately forcing a compromise, the addition of a flag and a statue with three soldiers to the Wall. Thus, it is unsurprising that the first skirmish of the culture wars of the 1980s can be traced back to the public debate that broke out in reaction to Maya Lins design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. You had to live through that period to really understand it. Jan was a great spokesperson. The task groups proved effective, as described by John Woods, who jointed as a key advisor. Mathias set up a meeting so he could learn more. It set the tone for the ensuing cultural debates pitting the people against the elites, as found in Tom Wolfes criticism of Lins memorial design. One day in October 1969, fifteen members of the Americal Division wore black armbands while they were on patrol, the symbol antiwar protestors wore in the states. The Civil Rights Movement had produced significant victories, but many blacks had come to describe Vietnam as a white mans war, a black mans fight. Between 1961 and 1966, black males accounted for about 13 percent of the U.S. population and less than 10 percent of military personnel but almost 20 percent of all combat-related deaths. United States: 540,000 On August 2, two North Vietnamese torpedo boats in broad daylight engaged USS Maddox, which was gathering communications intelligence in the Gulf of Tonkin. The debate over Minimalism, applied to Lins design, provided new terms through which to resurrect Americas internal debate over the validity of the Vietnam War. Nonsense. Most at the meeting told him they didnt want a memorial; they wanted more benefits and government support. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. Frances military involvement in Vietnam began when it sent warships in 1847, ostensibly to protect Christians from the ruling emperor Gia Long. . Having chosen Libeskinds overarching vision, titled Memory Foundations, in February 2003, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (tasked with coordinating the redevelopment of lower Manhattan and administering the nearly $10 billion in federal funds devoted to supporting that effort) two months later announced the memorial design competition. The Vietnam Wall, as it's commonly known, stands as a tribute to the war's veterans, who consider it a tangible symbol that the American people recognized and honored for their service.

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why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial?