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are polish and ukrainian mutually intelligible

Macedonian 40 % spoken, 60 % written In the 1500s, Kajkavian began to be developed in a standard literary form. . Polish uses Latin letters, just like English. This is heartening, although Kajkavian as an existing spoken lect also needs to be recognized as a living language instead of a dialect of Croatian, whatever that word means. Cheers brothers and sisters! Mutual intelligibility mostly applies to the educated, standardized forms of these languages, not to the various sub-standard dialects. My gues. Theres a good reason for this: mutual intelligibility. So I understood all but one word (), and Google Translator indeed confirms that my guess was right and it means also. Czech-Slovak languages - Wikipedia Pronunciation is quite different, but all patterns are easy to catch. I would be able to translate what he says! Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria, there also exists a Macedonian norm, which (sao=also?) Since then, Slovak has been disappearing from the Czech Republic, so the younger people dont understand Slovak so well. Young Czechs and Slovaks talk to each other a lot via the Internet. These three languages have an 86% lexical similarity; that is, they share 86% of the same words. http://ifaq.wap.org/society/voweldeployment.html. An individual's achievement of moderate proficiency or understanding in a language (called L2) other than their first language (L1) typically requires considerable time and effort through study and practical application if the two languages are not very closely related. As such, spoken Danish and Swedish normally have low mutual intelligibility,[2] but Swedes in the resund region (including Malm and Helsingborg), across a strait from the Danish capital Copenhagen, understand Danish somewhat better, largely due to the proximity of the region to Danish-speaking areas. Its also said that Serbo-Croatian can understand Bulgarian and Macedonian, but this is not true. In my opinion Czech and Slovak mutual intelligibility is not heavily exaggerated but actually very underrated(or some opposite word of exagerated, sorry for my poor english). Later I found out that Slovenian and Bulgarian/Macedonian are all south Slavic languages while Serbian language is actually a western Slavic language like Slovak/Czech/Polish. In its written form Bulgarian is even more different than in its spoken form. Spanish is most mutually intelligible with Galician. Interesting article I think the OP exagerated a bit. Saris Slovak has high but not complete intelligibility of Polish, possibly 85%. What about USAs dialects. However, my girlfriend never ever says these words and rather uses on and ona just like in Serbian. I would like to know if anyone could confirm that you could indeed . Woof woof! In contrast, Filipovi is talking slowly, and although some words have a different stress than in Czech, I can identify them pretty well and hence listening to this guy is basically like reading a written text in Serbo-Croatian. True science would involve scientific intelligibility testing of Slavic language pairs. Slovene has some commonalities with the West Slavic languages. 60%? Standard Czech and standard Slovak is almost totally intelligible (I would say about 90%) only very few words are of different origin. Sorry for my English, Im still learning itespecially right word order. It is not really either Bulgarian or Serbo-Croatian, but instead it is best said that they are speaking a mixed Bulgarian-Serbo-Croatian language. Bashkirs - Russia's Periphery Then tokavian person reaction would be: What? There are new scientific figures for Czech-Slovak, Czech-Serbo-Croatian and Czech-Bulgarian. Belic) maybe do not understand Macedonian so well as Macedonian the Serbian language do (because of the according to you Bilingual learning . Pei Mario (1949). Although even if they stuck to Polish/Ukrainian, they'd probably still understand each other. Many Turkic languages are mutually intelligible to a higher or lower degree, but thorough empirical research is needed to establish the exact levels and patterns of mutual intelligibility between the languages of this linguistic family. Serbo-Croatian dialects in relation to Slovene, Macedonian, and Bulgarian: The non-standard vernacular dialects of Serbo-Croatian (i.e. Nice to meet you, Robert; Ill make sure to read more of your articles now! Much of the claimed intelligibility is simply bilingual learning. If I had to name a Slavic language worst for intelligibility, it would absolutely and positively have to be Bulgarian its phonetics are completely foreign (to the extent that sometimes in the back of my mind I think that it sounds barbarian and Turkish), as is its grammar (the vocabulary, however, is not, being probably 90% similar to Russian, making written Bulgarian pretty easy). Speakers of the Torlak dialect (any Torlak dialect) understand Serbo-Croation, Macedonian and Bulgarian with no problem, and can comprehand Slovenian as much as 80-90% within a few weeks of exposure. This is simply not the case. It is not intelligible with Shtokavian, although this is controversial. Scots and English are considered mutually intelligible. These recommendations are based on research into the mutual intelligibility of Germanic languages, conducted by Femke Swarte. Ability of speakers of two language varieties to understand the other, As a criterion for identifying separate languages, List of languages sometimes considered varieties, List of dialects or varieties sometimes considered separate languages, Alexander M. Schenker. Ukrainian or Russian? Language gets political in Ukraine . That is ~90% our language. http://www.izviestija.info/izviestija/, I was born in Canada to a Serbian family and speak Serbian so I am a good control as I was never formally educated in Serbian and its grammar. For Macedonian without knowledge of other Slavic languages is also difficult to understand all the words which come from Russian and which are not current in Macedonian. Other factors that one has to keep in mind is recent (and not so recent, too) history and its linguistic implications on speakers for instance, Slovaks older that about 20 dont have much trouble understanding Czech because Czech was pretty intrusive if not dominant in official and intercommunal use in Czechoslovakia until its collapse. Yes you can. My father once read an article in polish and he said he understood almost everything, but when its spoken he said about 60%. For Kai-Cha it was less shocking as many words were taught by their parents (or they remembered them from childhood, before the school system forces you to use only the Std Cro). akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family. Jembrigh, Mario. For instance, he and she in Standard Macedonia is toj and taa respectively, very close to Bulgarian toy and tya. (j/k) In essence, such kinds of bilingualism also improve understanding of other, unrelated Slavic languages, since two Slavic languages fill in the comprehension gaps. [2], Sign languages are not universal and are usually not mutually intelligible,[3] although there are also similarities among different sign languages. From the 1500s to 1900, a large corpus of Kajkavian literature was written. The Mutually Intelligible Languages of 8 Popular World Languages 1. It is very strange when some words are not understood, although the communication is possible. 0%? Ikavian Chakavian has two branches Southwestern Istrian and Southern Chakavian. ENGLISH: Bulgarian language is an Indo-European language from the group of South-Slavic languages. Borg, Albert J.; Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie (1997). Russia) in Canada, and they barely can understand standard Ukrainian. Ukrainian has 62% lexical similarity with Russian but 70% with Polish, which isn't high enough for mutual intelligibility with both Russian and Polish, but Poles can certainly understand Ukrainian much better than Russian, and Russians can understand Ukrainian much better than Poles. Do you speak Boyko or Hutsul? I am a native Czech speaker, I understand Slovak (a lot of exposure, many visits, many colleagues) and Russian (studied at school, many visits) in all three languages I am close 100% understanding of news, yet for Polish, Ukrainian and Croat I would rate my understanding at 15-20%, with no significant improvement just from being in the country (I have spent in total about 20 weeks in Croatia, 4 in Ukraine, 3 in Poland). It is true that Western Slovak dialects can understand Czech well, but Central Slovak, Eastern Slovak and Extraslovakian Slovak dialects cannot. Ni Torlak uses a definite suffix, -ta/-to/-ti/-te/-ta (fem.sg/neu.sg/masc.pl/fem.pl/neu.pl), but less frequently than Macedonian does, and only in the nominative; it doesnt have a distance contrast as it does in standard Macedonian but it isnt even present in Serbian to begin with In akavian they are once more old slavic. Is Ukrainian mutually intelligible with Polish? I got that figure from a Serb. Molise Croatian is a Croatian language spoken in a few towns in Italy, such as Acquaviva Collecroce and two other towns. I can easily translate the first two sentences: Bulgarian is the oldest documented Slavic language. PDF Mutual Intelligibility Among the Slavic Languages 15), Part II", "Intelligibility of standard German and Low German to speakers of Dutch", "Cross-Border Intelligibility on the Intelligibility of Low German among Speakers of Danish and Dutch", "Mutual intelligibility of Dutch-German cognates by humans and computers", "Morpho-syntax of mutual intelligibility in the Turkic languages of Central Asia - Surrey Morphology Group", "Kirundi language, alphabet and pronunciation", "Tokelauan Language Information & Resources", "Majlis Bahasa Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia (MABBIM)", "Indonesian-Malay mutual intelligibility? Some say it is a part of Czech, but more likely it is a part of Polish like Silesian. This comment is fantastic! Istorieskoto mu razvitie se charakterizira s etiri glavni perioda. Ukrainian pronounces the "o" as "o" whereas Russians pronounce it typically as an "a." The Ukrainian "" and "" have different pronunciations compared to their Russian equivalents, "" and "". What I took as Czech speaking Czech language, which I perfectly understand, was actually Czech who tries to speaks Polish. Mutual intelligibility between West and South Slavic languages I simply didnt know what for example word iskati (to seek) means when I first watched that movie, I was 14, I understand it from the context like I can understand Macedonian. Slovak is closely related to Czech, to the point of mutual intelligibility to a very high degree, as well as Polish.Like other Slavic languages, Slovak is a fusional language with a complex system of morphology and relatively flexible word order. Also after studying Ethnologue for a very long time, I noticed that they tended to use 90% as a cutoff for language versus dialect most but not all of the time. Polish lacks full intelligibility of Silesian, although this is controversial (see below). Macedonian syntax and lexics are more similar to Serbian, even though structures of the language such as articles (no declensions) function as in Bulgarian. However, many groups of languages are partly mutually intelligible, i.e. Ukrainian has 82% intelligibility of Belarusian and Rusyn and 55% of Polish. He estimated that Belarusian and Ukrainian were at least 80% mutually intelligible, accents and dialect aside, and that Russian was far . I guess this would not have worked for Macedonian and Slovene in the Yugoslav army. She stated that Czech and Slovak are mutually intelligible and that the main differences between the two languages is that Slovak has somewhat of a Hungarian inflluence, and Czech has more of a German and Latin component. Complicating the picture is the fact that many Ukrainians are bilingual and speak Russian also. A different dialect is spoken in each town. The Macedonian spoken near the Serbian border is heavily influenced by Serbo-Croatian and is quite a bit different from the Macedonian spoken towards the center of Macedonia. The unintelligibility is only due to the manner of speaking and not because of lexical and/or grammatical differences. They exist, but not in such a degree to render them unintelligible. LIFESTYLE Languages. Slovak somewhat more than Polish, but still very little. Ja u raditi, for me, sounds more Croatian and Bosnian or at least archaic, and Serbians from Bosnia and Croatia also speaks in that way. For true MI testing, we want virgin ears, and it has to be both ways. In some respects, all Slavic languages have a lot in common. The main Turkologist I worked with on that chapter told me that he thought 90% was a good metric. Kajkavian is fairly uniform across its speech area, whereas Chakavian is more diverse (Jembrigh 2014). You are wrong about Slovenian and Croatian languages. Only Croatians try so hard to press differences. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Bolgarian 30 % spoken, 50 % written - What are the actual linguistic similarities between Kajkavian was removed from public use after 1900, hence writing in the standard Kajkavian literary language was curtailed. So dominant, in fact, that parts of Ukraine and Belarus were significantly russified in a matter of a generation, even if not completely. theres a macedonian TV program called Vo Centar, hosted by a macedoanian journalist who goes around the Balkans and interviews prominent names in politics etc. What languages are mutually intelligible with Russian? plenty of prepositions are used in a similar, if not identical, manner; to name an example, na is used in both Macedonian and Ni Torlak as a replacement for the Serbian genitive, in addition to its standard use as on(to) Mutually Intelligible And Different. but the two languages are more different than some people think. Contents1 Can Slovenians understand Croatian?2 What languages are mutually intelligible with Croatian?3 What is the closest language to Slovenian?4 Which two . Pannonian Rusyn is actually a part of Slovak, and Rusyn proper is really a part of Ukrainian. I just didnt realize that when you talked about learning the other language you were actually referring to the errors inherent in doing a non-virgin ears MI study, and not conflating language learning with mutual intelligibility. Personally Im a Taoist in relation to 9/11, the middle way, you know? Their mutual intelligibility varies greatly, between the dialects themselves, with Shtokavian, and with other languages. 5. Ni Torlak has six vowels the standard /a e i o u/ and a reduced schwa // thats found where a strong yer once used to be, as in dog and sadness (this vowel has merged with /a/ in Serbian, but the two yers were kept as separate reflexes /e o/ (merging with those full vowels) in Macedonian) with phonemic and morpho-lexical stress that has plenty of grammatically conditioned shifts. These figures were tallied up for each pair of languages to be tabulated and were then all averaged together. However, the Torlak Serbians can understand Macedonian well, as this is a Serbo-Croatian dialect transitional to both languages. I have a newer version of the paper that I can give in which I changed some of the things you are complaining about. Less than 90% mutual intelligibility = separate languages. Are Russian and Polish mutually intelligible? Frequency of exposure is one of the main causes of this. In other words, Ukrainian speakers can often understand Russian, while Russian speaker doesn't understand Ukrainian, especially Russian speakers from outside Ukraine. But then the second older guy from Bosnia (Filipovi) appeared on the screen and wow! Subtitles are absurd when 99% of the audience can already understand whats going on. This is simply reality in Serbia today. Written intelligibility is often very different from oral intelligibility in that in a number of cases, it tends to be higher, often much higher, than oral intelligibility. What if akavian person is from dalmatian coastal village which is now half tokavised and tokavian speaker is from Dalmatian city which still has some elements of akavian, ikavian yat and is full of romanisms? Despite a lot of commonality between the dialects, the differences between them are significant. Ukrainian language, formerly called Ruthenian or Little Russian (now considered pejorative), Ukrainian Ukrans'ka mova, East Slavic language spoken in Ukraine and in Ukrainian communities in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, and Slovakia and by smaller numbers elsewhere. In fact, many Macedonians are switching away from the Macedonian language towards Serbo-Croatian. It is rather controversial outside Linguistics, as you run into nationalists and other fools who emotionally distort things. Glad to hear you are steering clear of it. but they are often mutually intelligible. The syntax is though very very similar! Method: It is important to note that the percentages are in general only for oral intelligibility and only in the case of a situation of a pure inherent intelligibility test. There can be various reasons for this. & relat.)) This phenomenon is called asymmetrical mutual intelligibility. As an example, in the case of a linear dialect continuum that shades gradually between varieties, where speakers near the center can understand the varieties at both ends with relative ease, but speakers at one end have difficulty understanding the speakers at the other end, the entire chain is often considered a single language. "Proto-Slavonic,". It is no surprise that Ukrainian (and to a smaller extent) Belarusian have tons of Polish words, and are therefore more lexically similar to Polish than to Russian. About Slovak being two different unintelligible languages I highly doubt so. I work with Russians (dro. Russia Invades Ukraine pt XII | TideFans.com There are numerous intelligibility tests out there that work very well, or you can just ask native speakers to give you a %, and most of the honest ones will tell you; in fact, they will often differentiate between oh that is our language, they speak the same language as us, for dialects and then no, that is not our language, that is different, and they do not speak our language for separate languages. Heres his interview with Bosnian figures, and Bosnian is part of B/H/S landscape However, another view is that Lach is indeed Lechitic, albeit with strong Czech influence. Portuguese has varying degrees of mutual intelligibility with Spanish, Galician, French and Italian. Finally, I think the Ukrainians' mentality if more Polish, while the Russian mentality is more fourteenth century Mongol. Regular speech is generally quite fast. According to former Pakistani President Musharraf Omar Sheikh who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta was recruited during the 90s by British intelligence. These 4 main Polish dialects are: Greater Polish, which is spoken in the west of the country. You would be amazed at how good peoples estimates of this sort of thing are though. I was surprised that they never live in Slovenia and they never learn Slovenian. Pure Silesian appears to be a dying language. We speak them too. Personal communication. Yet its totally foreign to many in Croatia. There is much nonsense floating around about Serbo-Croatian or Shtokavian. Zona Zamfirova is the movie in a Serbian dialect, but I dont understand it as same as I dont understand Macedonian or even more so, that is more like Bulgarian with the hard vowels. What percentage of Ukraine speaks Polish? Maybe I could offer you somehow help? Hutsul, Lemko, Boiko speech (small Ukrainian/Rusyn dialects) stangely enough, more comprehensible than standard Ukrainian. Actually the way it is spoken sometimes sounds more like Slovak to me than Czech or polish does, however past really basic speech it is pretty hard to understand. However, it appears to be a separate language, as Lach is not even intelligible within itself. Macedonian side, the situation is more complicated (i will explain later). Below is an incomplete list of fully and partially mutually intelligible languages, that are so similar that they are sometimes considered not to be separate, but merely varieties of the same language. Kajkavian, especially the ZagorjeKajkaviandialect around Zagreb, is close to theStajerskadialect of Slovene. Because mutual intelligibility comes in varying degrees, its hard to determine how much overlap there needs to be for something to be classified as such. Recently a Croatian linguist forwarded a proposal to formally recognize Chakavian as a separate language, but the famous Croatian Slavicist Radoslav Katii argued with him about this and rejected the proposal on political, not linguistic grounds. Thats why in the Czechoslovak army the rule was: speak your own language, understand both. My mother is a native Croatian speaker and she told me that serbian and croatian have very good intelligibility but however the grammar is very different.Comparing those two languages would be like comparing czech and slovakian. Are polish and russian mutually intelligible? Russian has a decent intelligibility with Bulgarian, possibly on the order of 50%, but Bulgarian intelligibility of Russian seems lower. Being fluent in Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian gives you access to understanding more of other Slavic languages. mutuamente compreensvel - Traduo em ingls - exemplos portugus Needless to say, Polish is very familiar too, except its phonology, getting the gist of which is just a matter of some time.

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are polish and ukrainian mutually intelligible