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russian knitting symbols

Thanks Edith, Emily Wessel Hi, Im struggling with the WS instructions of a pattern, the RS are charted so fine with the these. September 12, 2018 @ 12:06 pm. October 23, 2016 @ 4:35 pm. Hi, I need some help with a knitting chart regarding the knit and purl stitches. On next row, knit or purl the wrapped stitch together with the strand wrapping around it. Happy accident knit washcloth pattern. I look on this russian site you've attached here,,my golly my eyes are so amaze.. many patterns . I think I figured it out I wasnt doing the yo right. The chart is read from bottom to top, just as the knitting progresses from the cast-on to the bind-off. March 6, 2017 @ 4:04 pm, What does it mean knit 2a,a and then 2a,b until last 2 stitches, alexaludeman January 21, 2018 @ Pinterest. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thank you for making it so clear. The repeat is over 16 stitches. 8:23 pm. February 15, 2016 @ August 28, 2015 @ Thanks so much in advance. I don't know about anyone else, but there are just so many interesting patterns in russian. 2:04 am. October 21, 2020 @ The rake-looking thing is slip stitch, k2tog, psso. Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. Ive worked on this for hours and been unable to duplicate the design on the picture shown. Im unsure how to go about increasing and working in the chart pattern at the same time. How do you read the chart if you work the chart, k1, work the chart if the two sides of the chart are slightly different when you knit the 2nd chart side. I would bet that it's a make one right. That Repeat section , will you find the last one not enough stitches left to complete pattern before last section to end row. August 31, 2016 @ Do I start back at row 1 ? 6:32 am, Hi, I think I was too impatient! Yet we are treated as simpletons by others who are convinced that charts are so easy (despite the fact that we dont all share the opinion) when we share ours and are frequently ridiculed, derided and made fun of on places like ravelry. 6:18 am. November 22, 2017 @ 7:00 pm. Thank you for your time. The written directions for Row 3 of the Gothic lace is incorrect the repeat is missing a K1. For even-numbered rows, continue in pattern (for garter stitch, knit; for stockinette, purl; for reverse stockinette, knit). No we dont find it fun, we dont want to be challenged we just want to knit the think we want to knit. 3:46 pm. March 23, 2017 @ 3:43 pm, joy I understand what it is saying but I am not sure about how to throw the yarn over. Figured it out its slip-stitch or mosaic knitting where the even rows are identical to the odd rows, just knit from the left. What do you do When the directions say to cast on 48 stitches and the chart only shows 47 stitches? Emily Wessel I read a chart from left to right. Possibly there are 6 charted rows but a relief row (like a knit round) in between? February 26, 2015 @ June 7, 2018 @ The needle gets a little heavier, changing the tension on the stitches. You work each row of the chart all the way around. 2. Hi It sounds like something has gone wrong, you should definitely have enough to complete the chart. Beautifuldreamer When knitting in the round charts are always read from right to left. It says to repeat chart 6 times. Thank you to Sharon, Ella, Dianne and Crafty Beats. August 15, 2021 @ 11:20 am. alexaludeman 9 Exciting free knitting pattern for mens raglan sweater. This appears in the pattern repeat. Finally! So Im also unsure about what I do with the centre stitch when I haveG to turn around and work purl??? stitches Not sure if I am to decrease at each end of the the row. October 5, 2012 Knitting Bee. Its hard to cut and paste the chart terms into on line Russian-English dictionaries (this was the best one for my purposes) because for the most part, the terms are there as images, not text. first row is knit, the second has the beginnings of two purled columns on the RS of the fabric: k5, p2, k13, p2, k5. I never had any trouble working on an evenly shaped piece, but this one is different for me because it tapers down on both sides. Each size has a different number of sts. I have a really stupid question Is the first row of my chart the cast on row and how do I know if the next row is a knot or a purl row? Regardless of its original military meaning, "Z" has become a symbol for support of Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine both at home and abroad. Emily Wessel Im trying to figure out Work the Chart. WEB WALKING THROUGH RUSSIAN KNITTING AND CROCHET, http://www.columbia.edu/~kmp30/viazanie.html, http://www.columbia.edu/~kmp30/uzory.html, STITCHING ON THE MUSEO DEL TESSUTOS 16TH CENTURY CAMICA, Charts for Embroidery, Crochet, or Knitting, I'll Be Watching You (Eyeball) Bolster Cushion. December 15, 2016 @ May 13, 2021 @ November 5, 2017 @ Hi Naomi I cant really say without actually looking at the pattern. Yes, the right side is facing me while I work, I just knit from left to right rather than right to left. Lace patterns are often described only in charts, as they may have large stitch and row repeats can make writing out (and reading) lace patterns quite cumbersome. February 12, 2020 @ Thanks so much. January 5, 2018 @ Im so lost. January 13, 2018 @ Thanks. 9:54 am, Hi MaryAnn Im not really sure without looking at the chart but there are likely decreases incorporated either in the chart or in the written pattern, grimardfamjam Im knitting a sweater which has a color chart of 21 stitches, 8 rows. Liz 1:48 pm. Patterns are not difficult, the lack of skill in sharing the information on what to do is responsible. January 7, 2016 @ Im really confused. Hi Kristin when working from a chart in the round you want to always start at the right side. March 24, 2016 @ alexaludeman Charts are hideous things requiring a whole lot of time spent writing them out first. Ive made other items from the book and had no difficulty. July 11, 2016 @ 10:40 am. September 1, 2017 @ emily I think I understand the logic behind the chart. July 27, 2016 @ Id like to try a sweater but thought it might be too ambitious? But I have seen that some people purl into the back loop of the yarn overs, specifically the yarn overs before purls of the previous row. alexaludeman Complete the tow with single stitches? Hi Tracey I think there must be a typo? 4:13 am, If you want to convert a usually knitted flat chart to an in the round chart what do you do with the wrong side rows of the chart when you are in the round, do you ignore the shown wrong side rows or knit them starting from the opposite direction. My confusion is: if line 2 is supposed to be the WS, then why not write it that way, OR am I supposed to follow line 1, return to the start reversed then work line 2 as the RS and not the WS (even though line 2 is written on the left)? slm: slip marker. As I find more of these charts I will keep adding them to this post! Then it is meant to be a circular chart but the wrong side rows are showing as flat. 9:37 am. Suzanne Johanna The faux cable Chart A combines the symbols for passing a stitch over (stretched out over 3 squares in the chart) with the symbols for knit, yarn over, and knit. An increase can either be so subtle as to be almost invisible, or it can be very obvious. Am knitting first lace, a sweater, and it is in the round. MaryAnn McGee Thats another can of worms not to be done today. Thank you for the clear explanation and examples on how to read a chart. Julia Mens XL (XXL): [(k3, m1) 5 times, (k4, m1) 2 times] around Sabs Mindy Loucks September 25, 2021 @ March 1, 2021 @ Best luck! Hi Jane no stitch means just that, ignore that square. The Craft Yarn Council (CYC) represents the leading yarn companies, accessory manufacturers, magazine, book publishers, and consultants in the yarn industry. Id be really grateful for some help. dbalasko 6:46 am. Much appreciatedI knitted the Celtic Lace into a beanie/hat. are these instructions for one round? 9:27 am. My question concerns the needle requirement. Hi Also, what does it mean when a square says gray, no stitch? Alexa Ludeman 2:24 pm, Hi Debra there isnt really a set of symbols that are used all the time. Hi Mary Yep: yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, yo, k1, Momzilla How do you keep track of aran cabling when some charts dont equal numbers of stiches. I see the letter M on some of the charts checked the abbreviations but cant find out what it means? For size 4 the pattern starts at the edge of the chart, size 6 at the green line and 8 and 10 at the red line. The directions for starting the first colorwork chart say start chart on the wrong side. It should go evenly (i think, not having the pattern in front of me). Roberta Zacharias The first line of the chart is numbered 1 on the left, line 2 on the right. July 7, 2020 @ Im working on Arcadia poncho; have done the 14 down-but Im stuck (mentally) regarding establishing the chart. If youve placed markers at each pattern repeat you made need to remove and re-place them when you start the chart over again. July 7, 2020 @ 8:40 pm, Cindy Hi! I have never done charts, but thought it could not be too difficult after having read your excellent instructions. Thank you, Alexa Ludeman The more I stare at this the more confused I get. Alexa Ludeman Philona ), Gracias, encontr lo que buscaba y muy completo, Dear Knitting-Bee, please can you help me with 2 Russian knitting symbols that I cannot find anywhere? British: Czech: Danish: Dutch: Estonian: Finnish: French: German: Icelandic: Italian: Japanese: Norwegian: Russian: Spanish: Swedish: Turkish: The Google ads are gone! I brought it my local knit shop where I purchased the yarn but they were not helpful st all. The chart shows only odd numbered rounds. 1:52 pm. 8:50 pm, Hi Cheryl if you are working back and forth I would think you would start with Chart B, Gloria Currie Yep, on the RS you would work right side chart, then the middle chart, then the left chart. russische stricksymbole. 11:56 am. Natalie November 9, 2021 @ Nancy Ellis Alexa Ludeman Getting a bit frustrated. Three dot chevron colorwork knitting pattern, Free Knitting Stitch for an Openwork Slip Stitch, Wonky Checkerboard Knitting Pattern Stitch, Roses lace pattern intricate knitting stitch 2. The particular pattern I wanted to swatch seemed simple but I cant even get through the first rows before my stitches are misaligned. and styles, the information on this site is presented without warranty regarding Also I am knitting in the round trying to follow the graph. No cabling in the even rounds!!! Thanks for listening. All the other 11th stitches are not boxes, but are missing the horizontal lines that form the boxes, so one long 1-stitch vertical box, I suppose that means no stitch, which I do not understand. alexaludeman 6:09 am. Id be glad to send a photo if it would help. 12:18 pm, Hi Cynthia Hmm, you should definitely have enough sts to work the repeats. Hkle Masker Mnstre. If I count all the boxes in the chart row that have a symbol in them, it equals 33, which is the number of stitches on my needled. I may have just answered my own question but Id like to have confirmed, Alexa Ludeman I am about to start the Tall Dark and Handsome hat but I dont understand how the chart applies when knitting in the round? If you prefer to learn from a video tutorial, click here to watch all steps described below in a video. This tutorial is heaven sent! At row 19, bind off 6 stitches and with the stitches left, you start a new pattern row using that. March 30, 2015 @ Shelley If you want to try it all out in a hat Id say go with our free Clayoquot toque pattern, or the new Fleet hat, or maybe the Banff hat? Luz Evans Thank you, in advance, for your assistance. 12:28 pm. 1:09 pm. I was confused about this as well. 1:13 pm. Hi good question, not usually, it should say in the chart notes where to start etc. November 4, 2016 @ alexaludeman Home How To Read Russian Knitting Patterns. Zuzana Elaine, this has worked very well for counted-cross-stitch patterns, and I plan to do the same with lace charts I make an enlarged copy (and a spare, of course!) July 6, 2020 @ Hello, I think I might be the only person in the world that is having a problem with the lace pattern in Love Notes. Yikes! The third row shows 3 knits and 4 purls. Please help. My pattern asks that I knit 1 below. 8:47 pm, Hi Holly it depends on the pattern, for most of ours there is a plain knit round or a plain purl row for the even rounds/rows, Holly Belian The blank spaces part has thrown me for a loop, I'm guessing it's just there so it's not empty? November 8, 2016 @ Row 3 blocks Im assuming that when I turn the work to work the wrong side rows that I also change the charts order. SARAH STAVROFF There are also emply cells without outlining. Hi Emily! Youll do this for each section, before and after the centreline stitch (because theyre the same they create 2 identical triangles of lace). Learn how your comment data is processed. :P Theres also a selvedge edge st to incorporate. Hi Amy Your tutorial is amazing. July 10, 2018 @ November 4, 2020 @ 12:32 pm. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. One chart has a check mark roughly in the middle. January 22, 2017 @ So its not that you skip stitches, its simply that youll skip over that square in the chart, and go on to the instruction shown on the next square, and use that instruction to work the next stitch that you have on your needles. As this isnt one of our patterns, I cant help specifically. What do I do with the no stitch ? Thanks for the advise, Nancy Timm Working sweater from Strange Brew. alexaludeman 8:01 pm. alexaludeman Are you missing a k1 between the last yo and the k2tog? tincanknits@gmail.com, Margaret I have finished the right hand Norwegian mitten. Hi Kate The step ins represent the number of sts that actually exist at that point, so you can just keep following the chart exactly as before, stitch by stitch. Thank you, alexaludeman Im doing this pattern: https://www.bhg.com/crafts/knitting/kidswear/knitted-guernsey-pullover-and-cap/ and Im confused about the chart to begin with. 1:50 pm. October 15, 2018 @ December 9, 2020 @ March 3, 2020 @ Again, always refer to the pattern key for additional symbol variations. alexaludeman I might check for errata? I am working on a shawl using a Katia pattern. 3:33 pm. The triangle with the point at the bottom is a M1 purl. 12:45 pm. Thanks so much for the fantastic tutorial. 2:54 pm. 4:33 am. August 3, 2021 @ Hope this helps! 6:03 pm, I posted a question about BOR, I dont see the question here, but I wanted you to know I found my answer by re-reading your pattern notes! It is not marked as stitches, there are no written instructions. June 8, 2015 @ Thank you. Thanks, alexaludeman July 18, 2017 @ Kate Scott Very confused by the lack of notation in this pattern! You can, of course, choose to work any symbol in an alternate manner, to suit your knitting style or your personal preferences. April 6, 2021 @ January 16, 2017 @ st (s): stitch (es) tog: together. 9:53 am. So knit 1st set stitches then comes REPEAT SECTION. October 28, 2020 @ Hi Rita You want to work the sts as you come to them in the chart and in your knitting, so if the chart has a knit box then a k2tog box, you want to knit the first stitch, then work the k2tog combining the next 2 sts. alexaludeman Alexa Ludeman April 18, 2021 @ I needed to cast on 31 stiches. B. Beltane Stitch. April 30, 2015 @ Should I just switch the numbers on the pattern with 1,3,5 being on the left and 2, 4, 6 on the right? How do I knit the even rows? Ive followed charts before with symbols like this but I'm not confident I'm looking at all of them correctly (although I do understand the symbols for knit and purl). The diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side (unless otherwise specified). 7:35 am. August 5, 2016 @ January 21, 2015 @ February 7, 2022 @ Stitches to be knit are on the left needle and stitches that have already been knit are on the right. 7:09 pm, hi I.m going to start the Love Note ,do I use # 6.00 needle till the bottom rib then switch to 4.50 .thanks, alexaludeman Hilda Dockrill Then the next stitch was a U. When I do row 2, should I begin with Chart B or Chart A? 7:17 am, Thank you for this tutorial on reading charts, it has been very helpful! Emily Wessel Im shaping the armholes working on the front of the vest back and forth. Thanks you, Emily Wessel Or do I increase elsewhere? Hi Nancy I would assume they are no stitch boxes but it is hard to tell without seeing the actual pattern. 9:43 pm, What does it mean Cont to dec every row until 13 more dec each side and AT SAME TIME after 7more dec rows, alexaludeman Cant seem to work this stitch properly. The knits are indicated with a line. 4:02 pm. Need some help please understanding what to do next. Does this mean not reversing the graph? There is no need to move the right needle by over a hundred degrees to get into a stitch from left to right. I found this lovely pattern of leaves and would very much like to add this to a baby blanket that I've knitted for my sister due in a month (so kinda urgentish) However, try as I might, with Google and knitting sites, for the life of me I can't figure out what the symbols mean as they seem to be a bit different to the norm. March 18, 2020 @ NOTE: Some patterns refer to cables as "Back" or "Front" cross. Please explain .. on one row there is a yo followed on the next row by a black solid box. 10:05 am, Hi Susan just ignore them completely, they are usually there to make the chart repeat or motif more clear, Penny August 26, 2021 @ 10:52 am. 7:57 am. I am knitting Norwegian mittens and have finished the mitten for the right hand. November 18, 2020 @ Then it says to continue in this manner all the way to end of chart. alexaludeman Carol Busk 5:27 am. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/cthulhu-mittens-2 I tried looking for some of them online, but I couldn't find several of them. October 18, 2020 @ round 3&4 the same? August 30, 2016 @ 3:06 pm. Well, no, but it is the special language of knitting, which uses many abbreviations and terms, which save space and make patterns easier to read. You will continue to decrease every row until you have decreased 13 sts on each side and then it looks like there is a second instruction after 7 more decrease rows? Im really confused about this one. I understand that youre supposed to repeat those stitcheslike 5 times for the Gothic Cowl8 times for another pattern I have. Includes easy stitch patterns, simple color work, and some increases or decreases. Just skip over them, Cynthia Baldwin Place your left thumb on the needle and pull the yarn hanging at the left side of your left hand to adjust the tension. See more ideas about knitting patterns, knitting, knitting stitches. June 6, 2020 @ If any Russian knitters could help with the translation, that would help so much!!! 10:09 am. February 10, 2020 @ 8:14 pm. Im making this poncho right now. The check mark isnt anywhere in the symbol list, and none of the other charts have it. I would use an m1 on either side. 1:14 pm. I get the feeling that I would switch some directional stitches as I have encountered that issue before, especially with the M1s. 10:50 am. Freda S. Rutherford Hi Melonie no stitch means just that, its not a charted stitch, just a blank box, usually inserted for clarity. A famed statue of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, one of Copenhagen's biggest tourist draws, has been vandalised with the colours of the Russian flag. March 6, 2019 @ alexaludeman Right cross cables hold the stitches to the back of the knitting. When you are knitting in the round, you will read all chart rounds from right to left (in the direction that you knit). You are correct Kathy, there should be another k1. Edit to add: on google translate there is an option to use a Cyrillic keyboard. So when working a pattern in the round you remain on the right side of the work, so you would consistently read the chart from right to left? You will want a border of 5 or 6 sts on the edge so you will cast on 35 or 37 sts. Alexa Ludeman ssk to k2tog, m1R to m1L, and vice versa? I am sorry I do not understand the bit sbout A8 and A2, Elsje It would be pretty out of the ordinary to have 2 different symbols mean the same thing. However, in this particular pattern the chart is: an empty box for KNIT and then comes PURL, after that 4 different CROSS symbols and it ends with no. 5:55 am. The pattern states to work chart b twice and chart a twice around. November 3, 2021 @ Knitting increases serve a very practical function: to shape the fabric by adding new stitches. April 18, 2021 @ alexaludeman The pattern says (Right Front Bodice) K4, work chart A to marker, K4. November 10, 2021 @ I recently purchased a download pattern and couldnt find much help in reading the chart. As a senior, Ive found these to be so easy on the eyes, and the cost is probably was under $1.00 per copy, if memory serves. Emily Wessel 10:33 am. Im knitting the lines mittens and the first row chart B says M main color, knit one main color, then M main color..so is the whole row done without using the contrast color? 2:06 pm, Hi Rebecca I hear ya! The chart I am about to start (first timer) has a shaded box which states No stitch. Work 70-20 and then 68-1??? June 11, 2020 @ It has been interpreted from Russian and I think some of the instructions are a little iffy. How would I chart it, making sure I account for the no stitch spaces? May 5, 2016 @ I count 14 stitches in my row one. Mar 03, 2023 (The Expresswire) -- "Warp Knitting Machine Market" Size, Scope, and Forecast 2023-2030 report has been added to the Market Research Archive of. I am using DK weight where 20 stitches = 1 inch. Hi Joan I havent knit that one so Im not really sure. June 16, 2019 @ How should I interpret the empty parts of the pattern? August 17, 2015 @ You answered all my questions. I am having difficulty understanding how to complete the repeat with a different starting point. 10:56 pm. Help! August 23, 2015 @ 10:46 am. It has a written pattern up to the 8th row but from 9 on is a chart which makes no sense to me. Do I knit left to right on line 1 and right to left on line 2? You may want to contact the designer? Hello February 6, 2017 @ The chart is in Russian and it taken me days just to figure out the chart symbols. June 8, 2018 @ 7:16 pm. September 3, 2017 @ More Russian Knitting Symbols with Illustrations. January 22, 2015 @ When reading [k3(2),m1] what does the (2) mean? 7:10 pm. What do I do with the first stitch, slip it or is the first stitch actually the knit stitch? Now that we have the working yarn in place, we are ready to start knitting. Thanks for the great tutorial! 2:19 pm. 2:37 pm, Hi Susan so then it is a decreasing repeat, sounds like youve got it just right, susan sprachman February 24, 2017 @ Debbie Widner Alexa Ludeman 5:26 pm, I am trying to figure out a chart which I believe is Russian, it has 7 different symbols. Debbie Plamondon 3:55 pm, I am knitting the rosebud shawl and I dont know what to do on the first row of chart b where it says A and then B. Usually designers have their charts upside down so they are still read the way your knitting works. 1:08 pm. motifs? Jo Ann k I, p 2, cable with next 6 stitches and k 3, p2 k1 =15 but it doesnt look correct. Im confused! 3:59 pm. Lori Bufanio alexaludeman Or does the chart fit with the number of sts you have? February 19, 2018 @ August 23, 2015 @ 3:33 pm, Hi, I am having a hard time with a Mary Maxim vintage jacket pattern. Hi Christina It looks like the charts have a 26 stitch repeat, which does go evenly into 130 sts. The biggest hurdle that new knitters have to overcome when learning to read a knitting pattern is learning the abbreviations. So excited! However, I cant find an answer to this seemingly simple qn about the bracket indicated on the Eyelet Lace chart. 10:17 am, Can you be more specific about your question? 6:31 pm. School of knitting symbols for sk2p aka double decrease. alexaludeman August 2, 2017 @ Denise (Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters . I need to chart a 3 stitch increase over 1 stitch to create a spot for a 4 stitch spiral cable in a Celtic cable pattern. Thank-you so much!!! In round 1 of front of pullover it was KNIT 20, ROUND 1 OF LACE CHART, KNIT 20. I have a feeling its simple but Im just not getting it. Faye. Rosie 2:27 am, Hello this is a bit of a complex question, could you send us an email (thats our best method for pattern support) at tincanknits@gmail.com and well answer you that way? Or continue with what is in [ ]? Thank you in advance. June 17, 2020 @ The pattern I am using is Fionas Top and the no stitch appears in chart B and B1. 4:46 pm. 2010 - 2022 Tin Can Knits. April 30, 2015 @ June 6, 2014 @ Along the way I kept a notepad file open, gluing in copied terms in both the original Russian, and the Latinized spellings frequently used in Web page URLs. Hi Pat it depends on how big you want your dishcloth and which yarn you are using. 9:38 am, Have you tried using lifelines? Am I missing something here?. Im not sure, is there a key for the pattern? 2:15 pm. alexaludeman To make a C2R, slip 1 stitch onto your cable needle purlwise and move it behind your knitting. 1:34 pm. alexaludeman Illustrated explanation of Russian knitting symbols. Hi I am working a fair isle flat pattern in a stockingnet. Now I had a second problem. For the first row, do I increase 4 stitches on either side of the thumb beginning (and thats what the blank spaces on the chart mean)? Thanks! Renee Sincerely Maddie. There are a wide variety of knit symbols used in patterns, including special symbols made for specific projects. January 28, 2022 @ After a bit of practice, most knitters find working from charts much more intuitive, quick, and simple than working from line-by-line text instructions. 1.As you hold the tip of the needle with your right fingers, take the working yarn with your left middle, ring and little fingers so that there is a bit of space between the fingers and the needle. May 10, 2020 @ Hi Denise shaded no stitch boxes are sometimes inserted to make the patterning more visually clear. alexaludeman (WS) Sl 3 pwise wyf, purl to end. Agnes, alexaludeman 12:28 pm. with multiple charts but always with differences between right-side rows and wrong-side rows. You might want to try contacting Kate directly to ask, she is lovely, Velma P. Smith September 20, 2019 @ October 24, 2016 @ March 9, 2016 @ But I never found the dimly remembered patterns that set me off on this quest in the first place. Can you help clarify? Row before has 16 stitches. Margaret February 23, 2021 @ Can you tell me what this means? I am working a cable pattern that starts row 1 ws on left side of chart. June 12, 2015 @ January 28, 2022 @ If that info isnt in the chart notes you may want to contact the designer to see what they intended. January 5, 2017 @ Youre absolutely right. Rather than reading the first row right to left? February 26, 2015 @ 9:15 am. I think I had it perfect up till that point. It should indicate how to work the WS rows in the pattern. April 9, 2017 @ November 11, 2018 @ August 28, 2016 @ Not all patterns follow these guidelines, but most do. Plus, ways to fix side edges, and a way to improve edges of finished projects. alexaludeman Lori When knitting from a chart and following a pattern that has for example 58 stitches and in the chart only 28 of these stitches are needed to form the motive, what do i do with the remaining 30 stitches.

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russian knitting symbols