
The Power of A Seed

What seed was planted in you?

A seed is “the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant.”[1] The purpose of a seed is to reproduce something and make an identical duplicate of what is already in existence.

With this statement in mind, I will ask the question another way: What has been planted in you that is valuable to reproduce throughout your life?

Different things and people can plant seeds in our lives in many ways. One powerful way, seeds are planted in our lives is through the home environment in which we grew up. As, we mature from childhood to adulthood, everything around us impacts our learning and development. Understand that daily experiences can leave memorable impressions on your heart and mind.

What occurrences from your childhood household stand out in your mind? A loving and caring family or marriage environment plants a different seed from a toxic environment with constant negative and difficult interactions in the home.

Who had the loudest voice, the greatest influence in your life? Someone inside or outside of your immediate household—parents, extended family, teachers, or the community?

Parents are the best persons to plant seeds of integrity, correction, and truthfulness. The integrity seed will allow you to experience and reproduce honesty and realness in your life. The correction seed provides us with discipline and essential guidance about the important concerns of life. Lastly, the truthful seed is invaluable and helps to keep our lives stable and on a solid path.

Living a lie usually never produces anything good. For some people, it is difficult to operate in ways that they did not see lived out before them. The good news, though, is that at any given moment, you have the capacity to change. All you need are will, opportunity, and encouragement.

When bad seeds are planted

We often give back to the world from whatever has been sown into our lives. But there is no need to get discouraged about any bad seeds that may affect who you have become. Today, aim to create a good path for yourself and choose a new direction and desire to change your future.

We do not live in this world alone. From time to time, we are guaranteed to encounter numerous personality types that are products of not-so-good seeds. When these encounters happen, try to understand who the person is today while you show them love and pray for their growth.

[1] Merriam-Webster dictionary.

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