
I’m Supposed To Go To Jerusalem, Judea and the Uttermost Part of the Earth?

I always spend time thinking about what I need to accomplish for God. In today’s world, some Christians may contemplate whether, going into Jerusalem, Judea, and the uttermost part of the earth is too difficult of an assignment. As, I take a moment to reflect upon my own personal truth, that nothing is impossible. The choice is your hands on the relevancy and decision to believe still want to complete this assignment today?

First, examine your current position.

 “Does this apply to me?”

Yes, it does because the assignment was given to all Christians.

Is this responsibility too much for me?”

We must have faith in God to seek His help and guidance in order to accomplish more than we could ever imagine, think, or believe. This responsibility may not be easy; but it is possible upon the earth.

Can I make a difference?”

Jesus Christ once lived on this earth as a man, and He completed His assignment. God has given us the same strength and ability as Jesus Christ so that we can survive on this earth. This may sound weird to some people, but everything Jesus accomplished, we can achieve today. From laying hands on the sick to preaching the Gospel to unbelievers. You should desire to make a difference in the world. No one can live for you. Everyone must fulfill their own unique purpose.

Next, find out about the assignment.

What is the assignment?”

A main objective in life should be to fulfill God’s will and remain active to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s love for us led Him to give His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that we may have eternal life. How much more can we demonstrate to God that we love Him?

How can I accomplish this assignment?”

We are all on this earth to make an impact in each other’s lives. Think about the gifts and talents that you possess which can benefit the lives of those around you. We should all have a concern for our family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and anyone else who may cross our path on a given day. These relationships are valuable and important. The Bible says it is better to give than to receive. As, God loves each and everyone of us. We must share the Gospel with others so they can learn and gain the promise of eternal life meant for more than a select few. Then, a non Christian may have the opportunity to hear about the Bible verse, John 3:15. This scripture reads, “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

You should never underestimate the power of your words.

What will I say?”

A very important factor as you go out and give are the words you will share. Think about what you can say to edify people or turn unbelievers toward God? Always remind people that God loves them unconditionally. Imagine you have a total of five minutes to share on a television network about any topic. What would you say that could remain with the audience forever? Your words have the ability to change another person’s destiny. Do not hide behind any deficiency in life. Learn to conquer feelings of defeat or fear in order to accomplish the task. Embrace whatever difficulty that you have to prevent growth in the area of public speaking. There are some solutions, I recommend that you take advantage of online or in-person training to master strengths and weaknesses. You may also need to utilize your gifts in other non-verbal ways such as taking time to pay kindness forward to someone else. Aim to master any deficiency that may hinder you from achievement of your greatest potential.

Finally, prepare, because your opportunity will come.

Be obedient

Some years ago, I participated in an aviation camp for one week. Plans were being made for one of the youth leaders to moderate the graduation ceremony. Before the end of our camp, this individual came down with laryngitis and could not speak. I was asked to host the entire ceremony, as guest speaker. I became truly grateful for my involvement in Toastmasters. An organization that helps people develop and enhance their public speaking skills. Now, I had the opportunity to utilize many things I had learned from my involvement in this organization. Life can sometimes have unexpected storms, so stand ready to make an impact. Do not shy away when you might have to answer the call. Similar to, the way I chose to participate in the event, lead with confidence from speech training and willing operate in obedience at the camp.

Stay encouraged

Finds ways to encourage yourself as you go out because everyone you meet will not want to hear about God, His love, or His gift of eternal life. Despite our feelings or how things appear, we must believe that there is always an opportunity to make a difference amongst our family, which is the priority (Jerusalem). Our responsibility is to them first, then we go to “Judea.” Judea represents the people outside the family circle, such as our friends, neighbors, church and places in the local community. The “uttermost part of the earth” includes those individuals whom you may have never met.

As you try to share your love for God with others, realize that you might experience discouragement. The first thing you can do to counteract this feeling is to spend time with God studying, worshipping and praising Him. Secondly, find some volunteer activities to utilize your gifts and talents. This may allow you to receive inspiration and appreciation within your soul. Personally, I love to give and do not wait around for what I might receive. Seek to do your part because no one else can fill your shoes.

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