
You Are Not Supposed To Just Be?

The longer I live the more I realize that we need to treasure each and every day. My brothers also keep reminding me of this fact of life and, I must say, they are so right.

We must consider the ways in which we treasure our moments and experiences. Do we examine how we daily spend our time? I took a few minutes to imagine what the world would be like if we had no schedules, no deadlines, and we could do things at our own pace. I’ll give you a few minutes to imagine this too. Aah! A refreshing thought, right? Now back to the real world.

Our days on this earth pass quickly, so we must be intentional about using our gifts and talents. We must refuse to move aimlessly through life. We must refuse to accept half-hearted living. The world is filled with people achieving greatness, all around us. You are just as valuable and qualified to make a difference. Do you desire to achieve an effective and beneficial life? Do you know what that life would consist of —peace, joy, finances, or something else?

Be sure that the life you envision for yourself upholds character and integrity along with being morally and ethically right. Remember, you can change your status at any moment. Our life can be what we choose to make it; all that is required is action on our part. The Bible tells us that we can have whatsoever we say (Mark 11:23).

So stop living life in the comfort zone because it is an easy place to hang out. Aim for a life with motivation and concerns that touch your heart. Why not take time to strategize about what can and MUST BE? I have learned the value of thinking and living outside the box. To remain inside the box is placing a limit on your ability to grow and develop in some hidden areas. I truly enjoy building relationships with people that challenge me to grow. A good friend told me one day, “You should always have your faith out there for something.” Over time, I have had the opportunity to believe God for many things, and I have learned a lot from these experiences.

Daily, I am believing for greatness beyond my wildest imaginations to occur in my life each and every day. I have put my faith in action to believe I shall have the opportunity to visit and teach at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. If I don’t believe that I can have what I desire, who else will? We should all want nothing but the best in life! Remember, as my brothers constantly remind me, we should aim to enjoy our time on this earth. So, go out and treasure every minute.

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