
Why Are You Leaving Everything Open?

 “Your niece is just like you; she does not put the cover back on things,” my sister-in-law said one day during her visit to my house. A few mornings later, when I was spending time with God, I began to think what would happen if I randomly left things open, uncovered, around the house. Items are designed to have covers for a purpose. For example, covers protect the contents of a container; covers make sure the contents do not spill; covers keep bacteria out, and covers maintain the freshness of the contents. Then I started to think in terms of life, and I realized my sister-in-law had provoked a bigger question: How many things in our lives do we leave open to danger every day?

Spiritual and natural covers

I remember hearing a story about a young girl who was attacked by a shark. Her dad wrestled with the shark and managed to save his daughter’s life. This incident unfolded very quickly. Thank God for the fast thinking and reaction by her father. Without this rescue attempt, she may not have survived the attack. A different outcome could have left him with sadness throughout the future.

As Christians, we are supposed to cover ourselves and those dear to us in prayer each day. But do we practice this? On any given day, how do you protect yourself and those you love? Do you have a plan to keep yourself from harm and danger? Is there any part of your relationships that have been left unguarded and open for an attach? You should refuse to leave yourself and loved ones vulnerable to any type of terrible situations by not covering them with your prayers.

As you complete your many daily activities, consider how to naturally or spiritually protect your family. Are you maintaining high levels of protection for your family spiritually through prayer, or naturally through the use of home alarm systems and video camera doorbells? Is there any aspect of these relationships that you have left unguarded and open for an attack?

Sit back and reflect on what you should consider is best for your life and the lives of those around you. Plan to make any necessary changes to keep your family safe. Be realistic about what you love and treasure.

The domino effect

Let’s consider your immediate family, extended family and the entire family’s reputation. Their daily journey is not just about us but, there is a connection to so many others. So, first consider yourself and refuse to take for granted the impact of how you live. The decisions you choose to make in your life can affect a family for generations. So, always keep in mind that your present actions can have a domino effect.

One time, I had a class with a very vivid and profound illustration. The instructor wanted to demonstrate how the behavior of one person can affect the lives of others. The instructor asked for volunteers to stand on the platform in front of the entire class. At first, no one moved; then, one person came forward, and within a few minutes about fifteen people were standing on the platform. The lesson being taught was that the actions of one person can impact many people. No matter whether the action is good or bad, it will have some type of impact.


I would like to leave you with a thought to ponder. It is your responsibility to safeguard yourself against any individual or event that is not good for your life. For instance, if you have friends that you know you cannot trust, acknowledge this fact and do not leave yourself open to get betrayed by them. Cover yourself. Remember that a physical cover can operate to keep the contents from spilling and prevent the entering of toxins. Protect what can enhance the longevity of your life. Always remember that your life is precious, priceless and worthy of protection at all times.

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