
Are You For Real?

“Just fake it until you make it!” It’s popular advice. But I say, why spend time living anything other than the truth? My mother would say often, “There is one thing you can never do and that is tell a lie in my house.” I learned early that lies were at the top of her “unacceptables” list. I am so grateful for this lesson because it taught me the value of living in truth. Honestly, a fake life takes too much time and effort.

We all should desire to live out a “true reality” of who we are in this world. Ask yourself —

What does my life look life?

What does my friendship circle look like?

Do my friends ever have anything good to say about themselves or those around them?

Do they encourage me, or even their own family, in things that are “true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse”?[1]

As for family, well, we cannot choose our immediate family (mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, etc.), so we must accept them as they are.

It is scientifically proven that we become the company we keep. Over time, our bodies begin to conform to the ways and lifestyles of those near and dear to us. I must say that I was truly blessed to grow up with a lot of wonderful family and friends who always chose to love and protect each other. They are always trying to improve their own lives, even when they might already have a great level of success. Recently, my immediate and extended family got together for an event. Some months later, I revisited those photographs and stopped to ponder over a few pictures of my male cousins. I realized then that my family has some successful men. Wow, that is a family legacy!


Always stay true to yourself. You are valuable, and the world needs your genuineness and priceless gifts more than anything. Your life may not always be glamorous or pretty, but it’s valuable, nonetheless. Consider this analogy: You take a pair of your shoes to the nearest shoe shop for repair. When you pick them up, you don’t recognize them; they appear new! But the substance of the shoes did not change; the shoemaker only made improvements to the outer material. In a similar way, people can appear polished and well put together on the outside, but their substance is unchanged and underdeveloped on the inside. What is very important and valuable is to live a life of substance that is based on truth and reality.

[1] Philippians 4:8 The Message.


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